quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007

Dogs vs.Cats

Shiva e Júlio, originally uploaded by Maria Rego.

Dogs vs.Cats

A dog can be cute,
big or maybe minute
could have hair
long, curly or short
also black eye's with a
Rotweiler Stare

Kittens are cute
in a black & white suit
Cats can be wild or crazy
but they always seem lazy
sleep most of the day,

Both will be your friend
Dogs need a minder
Cats need a feeder
together they will
send you a reminder,
that, they are hungry!
or angry

Dogs vs. Cats
I think it's about even
and this you can believe-in
they both have claws
and jaws
and most times a tail,
that wags a Tale

David Darbyshire

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